CES Summer Funding Application

Summer Funding Application

First application deadline March 15, 2024. Second application deadline April 7, 2024.

"*" indicates required fields

About you


About your application

Professor who will submit a letter of recommendation (for research and creative endeavor funding, this letter must be from your faculty sponsor).

About your funding request

Funding is limited to a maximum of $535 per week for up to 9 weeks full-time. Funding for part-time work will be prorated.
List other funding sources, applied for or received, including ASIP, Dean's Office, departmental funding.
Do you want on-campus housing?*

Complete section below only if you are applying for internship funding

Other Application Materials

This form is only one part of the required application materials. For a complete list of application requirements for your project, see Applying for Summer Funding.