At the University of Vermont, we are excited to announce the 2024 Agroecology Extension (AX) Summer Research Fellowship, an educational initiative that links undergraduate students from across the country to research and outreach projects at UVM, through our summer Research and Extension Experience for Undergraduates.
The AX Fellowship is a fully paid, 10-week research and outreach experience open to undergraduates from across the US. It is a collaboration between UVM Extension and the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, and coordinated by the Institute for Agroecology on UVM’s main campus in Burlington, VT. This fellowship is designed for students who seek to deepen their knowledge of sustainable agricultural approaches and to develop transdisciplinary research and outreach skills. It will match undergraduate fellows with UVM faculty, staff, and graduate students engaged in a variety of applied research and outreach projects that include pest management, vegetable/berry farming, fruit tree farming, environmental science, and sustainable cropping systems, etc.
Program logistics:
The AX Fellowship starts May 28, 2024, and runs for 10 weeks, M-F 9am-5pm.
Students will receive a $4,500 stipend.
On-campus housing is provided.
Takes place on-campus and in the field.
Project locations are dependent upon mentor’s research and outreach.
Personal transportation is preferred but not required.
Applications will be accepted through the UVM InfoReady Portal
The application deadline is March 15, 2024.
For questions about the AX Fellowship or the application, please contact Scott Lewins ([email protected])
Many thanks for your support, and all the best!
Emily Hoyler (Program and Operations Manager)
Karen Nordstrom (Evaluation Director)
Vic Izzo (Academic Director and Primary Mentor)
Scott Lewins (Project Director)
Scott A. Lewins (he/him)
Grant Proposal Developer
Research Development
University of Vermont College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
300 Pierce-Spauldling House | 109 South Prospect Street
Burlington, VT 05405-0160