Summer Grants, Internships, Employment

weather stationThe Center for Environmental Studies offers funding to support summer endeavors, including scholarly research, career-related internships, and creative projects.

All Williams students are eligible to apply for CES funding, regardless of major, concentration, or year (graduating seniors are not eligible). All proposals must demonstrate an environmental component.

The CES Summer Grants Program does not provide funding for internships that are primarily manual labor, such as trail work or farm work. Further, the Program does not provide funding for workshops, classes, or travel.


Students who accept funding from CES are expected to fulfill three requirements:

  1. A public presentation about their summer experience during the following academic year. This may be a log lunch talk, a shorter talk in a group setting, a gallery exhibit, or some other public presentation appropriate to the project.
  2. A written report about the project (5 pages for internships; 15–20 pages for research projects)
  3. A 100-word article for the CES online newsletter, CES Notes.

Funding Limitations

The maximum stipend is $380 per week for up to 10 weeks of full-time work. Applications will be accepted for part-time projects, or projects taking less than 10 weeks. CES encourages students to seek funding from additional sources. In the case that partial funding is obtained elsewhere, CES will provide not more than the difference between the funding secured and $380 per week for full-time work. CES does not provide additional funds for any project-related purpose, such as travel, lodging or supplies.

CES evaluates each application for summer funding individually. Joint projects are not encouraged, but if the students make a compelling case that a project is best conducted by two people, the Summer Grants Committee is willing to consider joint applications. However, each student must apply individually and each application will be evaluated individually. Further, if funding is awarded, each student is expected to fulfill the three requirements above, individually.

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