The Center for Environmental Studies

Environmental Studies and Zilkha Center for the Environment Reorganization

Effective July 1, 2024, the Zilkha Center and the co-curricular components of the Center for Environmental Studies merged to become the new Zilkha Center for the Environment link, while the Environmental Studies Program link, became a stand-alone interdisciplinary academic program that is the home of the Environmental Studies curriculum. You can read more about the changes here.

Department News

Log Lunch with Jahnavi Kirtane ’24 and Mirabai Dyson ’24: ENVI Thesis Presentations

On a beautifully sunny Friday, May 3, the community once again gathered for Log Lunch. As the last Log Lunch of the 23-24 year with a guest speaker, people were excited. The meal provided by the student cooks only added...

Log Lunch with Eve Schaub: Recycling Lies and Plastic Problems: What I Learned from a Year of No Garbage

On Friday, April 26, the community gathered for another excellent Log Lunch meal and speaker. On this day, the student cooks prepared a delicious meal of a chickpea coconut lemon curry, samosas, naan, garlic-chive chutney, a yogurt sauce, a crisp...

Log Lunch with Mayor Kathy Sheehan of Albany, NY: A Case Study on Creating Affordable Renewable Energy in a Disadvantaged Neighborhood

On cloudy and quite warm Friday, April 19, the community gathered for another delicious Log Lunch. Today, the student cooks prepared an excellent meal consisting of chive pancakes, “build your own bibimbap” with crispy tofu, soft-boiled eggs, spicy sesame shredded...
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